Collab Pop-up with Counterpoint Brewing Co!
- At August 10, 2024
- By Christianne Dixon
- In Company News
Plan Canada – Gifts of Hope – 2014
To: All Of Our Wonderful Clients,
Thank you so much for all of your ongoing support! We could not do this without you! Wishing you and your families a wonderful holiday season.
From: Christianne Dixon and our staff at CDC Landscape Design & Installation
The following donations were made in honour of our clients
Your gift will help turn an empty schoolroom into a proper classroom. You’ll not only be helping provide basics such as textbooks and pencils, you’ll be funding essential school meal programs and teacher training. This gift will also help children receive education in emergency situations, support programs to reduce school violence and work on improving school hygiene. In your name, children will receive the essentials necessary to make learning possible.
A farmload of animals makes for a farmload of food, income and hope. This gift of farm animals divvied up between families in a community will help feed children and generate income to pay for housing, health care and education. Animals like chickens, pigs, sheep and goats help teach livestock management skills, growing generations of children that are able to provide for themselves and their families. In your name, this gift will change the future of families and their communities.
Your gift provides the essentials for a bountiful garden: quality seeds, essential agiculture tools and training in pest and farm management. These add up to the ability to plant seeds that will develop into lush crops, in turn providing food for a family. This gift, given in your name, will provide an endless harvest of hope, nourishment and possibility.
Plan Canada – Gifts of Hope 2013
CDC donated 10 fruit trees to developing countries this year for Christmas, on behalf of our wonderful clients! We thank you for all of your kindness and support. You truly make a difference!
Your gift bears fruit in many forms. Planted around schools and homes, fruit trees provide shade from the unrelenting sun and give families nutritious food to eat, helping them stay strong and healthy. This gift, given in your name, will help families in developing countries reap a bountiful harvest.